You can track your order here:
Your order usually ships between 1 to 5 working days, Excluding Weekends and Public Holidays.
Shipping costs
We stand by the The both the Consumer Guarantees Acts of Australia and New Zealand.
Returns or exchanges of unopened goods will be assessed on a case by case basis and may include a refund, exchange or store credit. Do not return goods without contacting us first to be issued with a returns receipt to speed up the process. Then return to us by either courier or registered post to the address below. Customer must have a receipt to proceed with the return. The return must be unopened.
Please contact us with in 24 hours in writing, by email to make a claim for goods lost or damaged in transit.
Expiry dates for products varies from a few months on gels and bars to a few years on pills and powders. We will endeavour to never ship items that are expired or within two months of their expiry date. Should you be unhappy with this policy as it relates to items received in your order, please contact us and we will try and rectify the situation. Reduce to clear and short dated products sold as such are non-refundable and will have dates listed in the item description.
Unfortunately, due to circumstances outside of our control, some international orders are stopped by the customs agency in your country.
"We cannot be responsible for any customs restrictions, tariffs, or other regulations that may apply at Customs in any country. Any duties or taxes that may apply are your responsibility. If you have any questions, we encourage you to speak with your customs office, although we will ship any products you order to the address you provide.
The responsibility is yours to check with your country's customs office to verify that your products can clear customs.
Please keep in mind that once an order has shipped, we cannot change the address information on an international order, and errors here could cause a delivery delay or rejection. We will give you the best service and ship it as quickly as possible. If for whatever reason the package is seized by Customs officials, we will not issue you a refund unless all products are returned to us in their original condition. The vast majority of orders make it through customs without any problems, and most orders that are stopped are automatically returned to us. You may be responsible for any return shipping charges, in accordance with your local regulations."
Note: International customers are responsible for ensuring that the products ordered can be lawfully imported to your country. When ordering from Supplement Monster, the recipient is the importer of record and must comply with all laws and regulations of the destination country. Orders shipped to countries outside of New Zealand may be subject to import taxes and customs duties levied by the destination country once a shipment enters the country. From our experience, most foreign customers are not charged when they receive the shipment, however, any additional charges for customs clearance must be paid by the recipient.